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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Called to write...but what?

When I first discovered my passion for writing, I imagined myself writing young adult (YA) romance stories.  As I got older, the idea of writing YA didn't seem so appealing.  I wrote a couple western/romance that still need plenty of work.  And then I (unintentionally) wrote a YA which I am now trying to get published.  I think that's interesting, really.

I've made it no secret that I'm a Christian.  And as a Christian, I believe God equips people with different gifts, or abilities if you prefer, and that everyone has a purpose.  Purpose.  That's not just a "Christian" concept.  I think many people regardless of their faith question what their lives are meant to be about.  They may ask what the point is.  And that's sort of where I am right now.  I'm not questioning the purpose of my life, but I am questioning the purpose of my writing.  I keep asking God to show me how I can use writing (the ability given to me) for God.  This is an appropriate time to be considering this since I am getting ready to start my next novel.  Except this next project is not going to be YA.  It will be Christian, though.

So far I haven't received a clear answer for my question.  However, this morning as I was thinking about it, I was reminded of my desire to help children.  The whole point of majoring in Psychology was to get my doctorate and have my own practice to help abused and neglected kids.  Although my college education ended with my B.S. and I am not technically using the education I received, I don't believe I wasted any time on Psychology.  Perhaps there's a way to fit it all together.  Maybe that's where my answer is.  Or, and this is very probable because I truly believe God is preparing me for something, I don't have all the pieces to the puzzle yet.  Writing may be one piece, my Psyc education another.  And perhaps the remaining pieces will be forthcoming sometime soon.  I am currently writing devotions for the Olive Branch, but I don't think that is all I am meant to do.

Anyway, I wonder how many other writers wonder if they are called or meant to write for a specific audience.  That being said, I hope you'll share your own thoughts below.  If you don't necessarily feel led, but still have a preference, feel free to share that too.

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